
Hi, my name is Adanna and I am 11 years old. I live in Sudan and I love to play. I live with my 2 brothers and 2 sisters. My 2 brothers' names are Suleyman and Ibrihim. Suleyman is 15 and Ibrihim is 17. They both always help out to get food and things when our mom and dad are really tired. My mom's name is Namal and my dad's name is Amahad. They are very nice people. My mom is 35 years old and my dad is 38 years old. I live in south Sudan. My home is okay but we don’t have an air conditioner and it is very hot. We only have 2 meals a day. We have breakfast and dinner. My family earns its money by growing a lot of crops and selling some of them but we need to keep some for ourselves. We get about 35 dollars a day but it depends on how much crops we sell.

In the morning, I get up and go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. We have to make our own toothbrushes. It is very hard to make the toothbrushes; it usually takes about 2 hours to make them. Then, I go into my room and get dressed into my clothes. Then, I go outside and make things to play with like sticks and bows and arrows but the bows and arrows are not real. They are just for play. Then, I go to a place and get fresh water for my family. Then, we eat our breakfast. We have flat bread and oatmeal.

In the afternoon, I go play some more and relax but now my brothers go get the water for the family. Then, while we were waiting for the water, we all played a fun family game. Then, when my brothers come back we drink 5 cups of water each and then sometimes we have to go back and get more. Then, we don’t have lunch so we just keep cleaning until the house is nice and neat.

For nighttime, we eat dinner. We have mashed potatoes and some vegetables and bean soup. They were very good. Then, we cleaned up our table.


  1. Hello Adanna, you have a very nice life ahead of you. I can tell already by you saying that you get to drink 5 cups of water i day. I wish i could... I only get maybe ( if anything ) 1 cup of water a week. I hope for you and your family to have a wonderful life!
    From, Aamira ( Natalie )

  2. Adanna-
    I haven't had mashed potatoes in SO long! Just hearing the words makes my mouth water... Your life sounds very healthy. I wish I could say the same. Tell your mother that she has a nice name...

  3. Hi Adanna i wish you and your family the best of luch i know what you are going thought it is very rough being a young girl living in Sudan there is no respect for us as women either. i am 14 now and just want you to tell you don't expect anything to change the respect slowly goes from very little to non.
    from Rita (Ellie)

  4. Hi Adanna you have a healthy life with about 5 cups of water a day and mass potatoes, i never had those but they sound good... my family only can eat stew because that is all we can afford and also i can only have 1 cup of water in a day, i know that is better than most but it is still not much, stay positive
    - Lamia (gianna)

  5. Hi Addana, Im Nala. I was wondering what village you live in because one day maybe (if you live in my village), we can meet. That bean soup sounds so good. I don't have a toothbrush, maybe like you do, I can make one!

  6. Hello Addana! My name is Zarifa. I am a little bit unlucky and can only have one meal a day. Well, at least I can eat.
