
Hi, I'm Nala I'm twelve years old. I live in South Sudan with my mom, Onnab, who is thirty seven, my dad, Kamal, who is forty one, my sister, Ray, who is fifteen years old, and my brother, Ameen, who is ten years old. I live in a village called loun ariik. My home is made of bamboo. Everything in my village is overpriced. Its hard to even get flour. Me, my mom, and my sister, Ray have to stay home, like other girls and learn from our mother how to keep the house organized. Sometimes we herd the cattle. My dad works as our villages judge. My brother is so lucky because at the age of ten he gets to go to school. When he comes home he helps gather the wheat that we grow and sell.

My morning routine starts with me waking up early to start the day. While I had some free time before we started to work, as usual, I wrote in my journal what my dreams are. I wrote that I wanted in the future for our village to be prosperous. I also wrote about the day before. Its scary because sometimes I think that my family is going to lose money. I also wrote what good things I think will happen today. I went downstairs to make myself breakfast. The day before I had already found some fresh peaches and sugar cane. So I went in the kitchen and there it was on the table. Oh it looked so good. When I ate it, it tasted like a party in my mouth.

My mid-day routine starts with me playing a little with my sister. My dad leaves for work in the middle of the day and my brother leaves for school in the morning. After we played hopscotch and jump rope (that I made out of a rope and cloth), we went to pick some wheat from the field. I was hoping to get more wheat then usual. My sister stopped working at 2:30, but I kept going.

My afternoon routine starts with me and my sister walking to get water from a little river for the next day. We would usually just talk about things that are bothering us and things that are good. Me and my sister are best friends. When we got there we got our pots and gathered some water in them. We then put the pots back on our heads and get ready for the long walk back. When we got back dinner was ready.

My dinner routine starts with me eating dinner at 5:30. My dad would be at work but be back when I got to bed. I usually use some clay to make pots. I would shape them, and then design it
with a rock. Then I would let it dry. Soon after that I would give it to my mom to store some household items in her new pot. One day she was so happy she gave me a big hug.

My bedtime routine starts with me sitting in the house relaxing. I would go and have some free time and draw. I loved drawing. After 30 minutes I would get my bed ready. Then I would go wash my face and drink some water. I would clean my room, say goodnight to my family and go to bed. When I go to bed I think about my day. Then I fall a sleep.


  1. Hello Nala, i am fascinated by how much your family achieves in such a hard time. You are very lucky!

  2. Hi Nala! I loved your story! You are very lucky that you can feel a hug from your mother. I wish mine was still alive... Anyway, I love how you find time to play in these hard times. Stay positive.


  3. Hello Nala, I am very sympathetic for you and your family. One day i bet that you will prosper and thrive!
    From, Aamira ( Natalie )

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Nala I love your story, you have a great life. I hope to meet you one day

  6. Hello Nala i love that you find time to play with your sister and that your mom teaches you how to keep your house organized

  7. hi nala, i am lamia i loved reading your story and i love how you keep you life together, me and you are not very different keep being who you are and stay positive, i would love to meet you sometime.
    from, lamia ( gianna )

  8. hello Nala. I have one more question... How is your supply of water and what do you feel could be better?
    From Aamira ( Natalie )

  9. Hi Aamira, My supply of water isn't that great. The river usually gets dirty but at least I have it. I feel that the water could be a little cleaner. Thanks for your questions, I was happy to answer them

  10. Hello Nala! I hope that one day you will be able to go to school like me. If you see me just call my name.
